Outsource2Us is a Brisbane based agency providing strategy, marketing, creative and website services. During my time as a designer at the agency I took on the task of redeveloping the identity from the ground up.
My task was to infuse new life into the brand without moving too far from what was established and risk losing the equity the brand had built up over many years. These constraints offered an interesting challenge as the established branding had passed through many hands before me and lacked a sense of cohesion.
This project began by workshopping with the agency team what a successful rebrand would look like and what the expected outcome would be.
From there I catalogued the brand assets to gain a better understanding of what functions the branding needed to perform and see what elements could be salvaged and integrated into a new direction.
As mentioned previously, to avoid stripping the brand equity, my task was to create something new and focussed out of what already existed.
Logo: The decision was made to keep the core components of the logo the same but make adjustments to colour and composition to increase legibility and responsiveness.
Typography: The typography was frankly a mess. Multiple typefaces were being utilised across business collateral with no discernible direction. From the myriad typefaces, Graphik was chosen as the typeface to move forward with. Graphik embodies a clean and timeless feel, but has some real character, particularly at heavier weights.
Colour Palette: In order to simplify the visuals, the choice was made to rely on the darkest green and darkest grey punctuated by plenty of whitespace as the primary palette and bring in a selection of secondary colours when the application called for it.
The final part of the identity design was creating a new brand style guide to set out the constraints for usage and ensure consistency moving forward.
Once the foundations for the new brand were in place the next task was rolling it out across a wide array of print and digital collateral, including:
The process began by auditing the existing website and determining what would carry across. A new sitemap was established, then design and copywriting began simultaneously.
The vision was to create a website which is both modern and minimal in design, reflecting what the agency holds in high regard when designing websites for clients. Avoiding gimmicks and excessive javascript and focusing in on good clean design, accessibility and a thoughtful user experience.
The website was the biggest single task of the project. With close to 30 different page types to template there was a significant amount of design time involved.